Hello, you!
Thank you for showing interest in me and my projects!
I am Eero, a veteran hobbyist Artist and Game Designer from Southern Finland.
On this site I am not going in-depth into all of my projects, because they are endlessly deep design- and mechanic-wise, and I have hundreds of games to discuss. Only a select handful are shown here as Game Design examples. If you want to discuss Game Design or my projects, you can find my contact info on this website.
For about 25 years I've been examining the wonderful and deep world of Game Design and 2D art, and I find even after all these years there's a tremendous amount of things to learn, with new art- and design adventures and opportunities emerging each year, each month even. It's a wondrous everlasting realm to delve into deeply. Here you can almost never dig too deep, so go ahead and explore the world of Art and Game Design yourself, too!
But why?
As I grew up playing classic console and PC games, I am sworn to breathe life back to good ol' retro-style gaming. I do all in my power to design art and games to fit that golden old games -theme.
The work is never done, so I think I'll still be here doing this in a rocking chair as well. If along the way I've managed to entertain a brain or two, I consider my life a successful and complete one. My goal is to enrich the world with exciting and entertaining adventures, many of which are also designed to be enjoyed together with someone. Perhaps we'll meet on those adventures, some day.